Specialized Areas of Attention
In working on problems from an integrative or functional perspective, it is not always necessary to begin with a name diagnosis for a "condition". We work from a vantage point of rebalancing the body, replacing what is found to be lacking, supporting what is found to be weak, avoiding what is found to be aggravating, and eliminating or detoxifying what is found to be excessive or harmful inside the body. As such, many chronic conditions and symptoms can be successfully addressed and improved without defining a medical diagnosis. A diagnosis, or a working diagnosis, while it may be useful in suggesting a possible underlying mechanism that needs to be supported or corrected, is not essential to beginning a useful process.
With this in mind, below is a list of some of the many and varied patient conditions or symptom constellations with which we have achieved successful results with our patients. (Please note: There may be a considerable overlap between conditions listed by name and those listed by symptoms)
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
Heavy Metal Excess (Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Aluminum. Cadmium)
Food Sensitivities
Environmental Allergies
Sick Building Syndrome
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Blood Sugar Dysregulation:
Diabetes and Hypoglycemia
Hypercholesterolemia and Elevated Triglycerides
Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis
Recurrent UTI's/Vaginitis
Chronic skin rashes
Excessively Dry Skin
Multiple Sclerosis
Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia
Immune System Support
Cancer and HIV Support
Hepatitis C Support
Chronic Fatigue Syndromes
Lyme's Disease
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Recurrent Colds, Sore Throats or Other Infections
Recurrent Sinusitis/Nasal Congestion
Smoke Cessation
Alcohol Addiction
Drug Addiction
Food Addiction
Eating Disorders